Friday 17 May 2024

"So it's nine years."

 On this day nine years ago, I watched the film 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' for the first time, and it has inspired me in so many ways. Although the film is violent and at sometimes disturbing, it's also funny, visually striking and can be beautiful and even poignant.

Since I watched the film I have traveled on my own, got on the news twice, climbed three mountains in one day for charity, took part in a panel discussion at the University of Kent and appreciated Pirates of the Caribbean, of all things, in a way I never had before. This is what it means to be a fangirl. 

Friday 3 May 2024 are drama queens

 The most liberal news source in the world is a collective of drama queens. It's hard to trust a news source that uses all caps in its headlines.

Not only that, but they are hypocrites. For every moment they call a journalist out on hypocrisy, they do the same thing. They criticise Guardian columnist John Harris for insulting Jeremy Corbyn while he's Labour leader, but what have they done that's so innocent? Accuse Joe Biden of "anti-fascist cosplay" and call him an authoritarian. Is Joe Glenton still on the team? He must have been responsible for the latter headline. At least we know some people won't be stressed after this November's electiom.